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  • NowFoods Boron 3 mg 250 caps
  • NowFoods Boron 3 mg 250 caps

NowFoods Boron 3 mg 250 caps

59,00 zł
/ szt.
Out Of Stock
Darmowa dostawa od 250 zł
14 dni na zwrot lub wymianę
Wysyłka międzynarodowa 2-3 dni na terenie całej Europy

Now Foods Boron 3 mg 250 caps is high-quality boron in the form of Albion chelate. Chelated minerals are absorbed by the human body to a much greater extent, which significantly increases the effectiveness of supplementation. Boron is known for its properties that strengthen the skeletal system. It is an ideal addition to magnesium and calcium, complementing their action and supporting their absorption. Boron activates minerals responsible for the endurance of the skeletal system. It is recommended for people who train in strength, but also for people exposed to osteoporosis. Boron is an essential element that takes care of bone density. Its deficiency may result in the reduction of bone mass, which in turn significantly increases the susceptibility of the skeleton to fractures.

Action Now Foods Boron 3 mg:

  • Supports the skeletal system,
  • Increases the absorption of calcium and magnesium,
  • Supports the treatment of osteoporosis,
  • Prevents osteopenia,
  • Builds strong bones
  • High dose of chelated boron,
  • Protects the joints,
  • It reduces inflammation.

Now Foods Boron 3 mg is recommended to all people who struggle with joint problems or are at risk of osteopenia (reduction of bone density). Its action also reduces inflammation, which is beneficial for the work of the joints. Therefore it is readily used in the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases. Interestingly, the element also influences the optimization of hormones in the body. In women, it shows the function of supporting the production of estrogens, in men - testosterone. Boron deficiency can cause, for example, caries, weakness, a drop in testosterone levels, menstrual disorders, and even memory and concentration disorders. About athletes, boron also affects the building of muscle mass or supports the work of the nervous system, improving the flow of nerve impulses. It detoxifies, cleanses the body, and accelerates regeneration. Boron deficiency can significantly deteriorate muscle endurance and deteriorate condition.

1 serving, 1 capsule:
Boron - in the form of Albion chelate - 3 mg - high-quality boron in the form of chelate. Chelates are active compounds (in this case boron) that are attached to an amino acid molecule, which effectively increases their bioavailability. Bor belongs to the so-called trace elements, small amounts of which are needed for the proper functioning of the body. In free form, boron does not occur in nature, but only in the form of compounds, e.g., borox. Boron shows, above all, a preventive effect on the skeletal system. It prevents the reduction of bone density, which protects the body against osteoporosis. What's more, it facilitates the absorption of magnesium and prevents the excretion of calcium. In scientific research, boron also prevented the multiplication of cancer cells, protected the nervous system, and prevented neurodegenerative diseases. What's more, it improved the functioning of people affected by degenerative changes in the joints, and help the treatment of arthritis.

Dosage: 1 serving, 1 capsule a day.

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