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  • Sarma-Com LGD-4033 6 mg 60 caps
  • Sarma-Com LGD-4033 6 mg 60 caps

Sarma-Com LGD-4033 6 mg 60 caps

199,00 zł
/ szt.
In stock
Darmowa dostawa od 250 zł
14 dni na zwrot lub wymianę
Wysyłka międzynarodowa 2-3 dni na terenie całej Europy

Sarma-Com LGD-4033 60 caps

LGD-4033, known as Ligandrol, shows remarkable effectiveness in building lean muscle mass and its overall gains, as well as effective fat burning, increased endurance. Considered one of the most effective SARMs in its class. Potentially created as a drug against the breakdown of skeletal muscles due to aging processes or existing diseases (muscle atrophy, osteoporosis). Moreover, it is not hepatoxic and has a high bioavailability. Ligandrol has a high affinity to the androgen receptor, thus demonstrating a strong anabolic effect of muscle tissue and bones. Thanks to this, it can completely protect against muscle degradation and bone demineralization. What's more, LGD-4033 has a positive effect on the strength of bone tissue.

Ligandrol is able to provide all the desired effects as for testosterone, while minimizing the risk of side effects. Of particular importance is the lack of adverse side effects that are encountered with increased levels of estradiol or dihydrotestosterone. The lack of the aforementioned androgenic activity is desirable especially when the use of Ligandrol by women. It does not increase cortisol, improves joint regeneration and the quality of sleep.

When taking LGD-4033, you can gain 3-5 kg ​​of dry muscle mass within 6 to 8 weeks of use. In some people, it can improve libido.


Depends on the weight of the recipient. Optimal daily doses are 5-10 mg for athletes weighing up to 80 kg. The above dose is also recommended for women. The cycle duration is 6-12 weeks. Higher doses, 10-15 mg for athletes weighing over 80 kg. The cycle lasts 8-12 weeks. Do not exceed the dose once a day. It does not require breaking up into smaller ones.

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